Well, there is usually a time when rules should be broken. This is the time! Come to Fredericksburg to join SWBS to view the Total Eclipse of the sun in April 2024.
Update: Names for the remaining rooms at the Hangar Hotel have been selected! Watch this video here as Cam Gulley randomly selects the 7 winners from the 13 that were in the running.
SWBS would like to thank Cam Gulley for his foresight in reserving this block of rooms years in advance.
If you don't have a room at the Hangar hotel, you will need to arrange your own accommodations. Fredericksburg is selling out quickly that weekend! Look now! Other options would be to fly somewhere close by, such as Kerrville or BoerneStage and drive in to be in the path of totality in Fredericksburg, and join us for dinner, etc.
Trip itinerary will include an Eclipse party on the evening of the 7th, followed by the viewing of totality mid day on the 8th, and another dinner/Fredericksburg day that afternoon/evening. (April 7th is a Sunday). Watch the video for more planning details! Winners will soon need to contact Cam Gulley to firm up details. there is a list of alternates of the other 6, in random selected order, if there are cancelations off the primary selected names.
For those who need instant info, the 7 names selected at random were:
Also, of note, The Thunderbirds will be in San Antonio the weekend prior, April 6th and April 7th at The Great Texas Airshow (greattexasairshow.com) Kelly AFB. If you would like to include that viewing activity, you could fly into one of the nearby airports and then join us in Fredericksburg on the afternoon of the 7th.