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Southwest Bonanza Society

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  • Memphis TN - Fly-In September 6,7,8th

Memphis TN - Fly-In September 6,7,8th

  • September 06, 2019
  • 3:00 PM (CDT)
  • September 08, 2019
  • Memphis Tennessee


  • Mike Watson the host for the Memphis Fly-in.
    Transportation to/from airport and tour is
    paid for by the SWBS.

Registration is closed

Memphis Fly-in September 6, 7 and 8th 2019

Southwest Bonanza Society Fly-In to Memphis Tennessee, September 6-8 General Dewitt Spain Airport (M01) Hotel accommodations will be the Big Cypress Lodge located in the Bass Pro Pyramid. 

NOTE: Members to pay their own hotel room.  You can stay at the Big Cypress or a Hotel close by.  You must book your own reservation for a hotel.  Big Cypress Phone # 800-223-3333

There is no special rate or block rooms for group. 

Dinners Fri/Sat: Charlie Vergos Rendezvous and Dinner/Music Cruise aboard the Memphis Queen.

Saturday Tour to Elvis Presley’s Graceland

More details and itinerary attached here: Memphis Itinerary.pdf

Please email Mike Watson ( with any questions.

Transportation (rented van) to/from airport provided by the SWBS.  Airport arrival time 10:00 AM through 2:00 PM

The sign up fee is for each person that is attending. 

Registration will close August 6th - Sorry No refunds

General info on Big Cypress Lodge Memphis 2019 - Big Cypress Lodge flyer.pdf

Thank You

Mike Watson

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